What is GUAMAP?
GUAMAP is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture training project that uses a “barefoot doctor” model for rural community health care. GUAMAP supports local trained acupuncturists and also sends Spanish-speaking professional acupuncturists from other countries to train local community health promoters in the northern department of Petén, Guatemala. GUAMAP supplies training curriculum for basic TCM training, advanced TCM theory,annual specialty training workshops, and training of trainers. GUAMAP volunteers prepare curriculum to treat local conditions requested by local acupuncturists. GUAMAP advises and shares resources with other TCM training programs in developing countries. GUAMAP acupuncturists now serve 20 communities.
All donations are tax deductible. GUAMAP is a 501(C)3 tax exempt not for profit organization. Your donation will be acknowledged at the address you provide.
Donate By Mail: Make check made out to “GUAMAP” and mail to GUAMAP, POB 85371, Tucson Arizona, 85754.
Donate On Line: at Here - Use PayPal or Money Order.
To donate to our local Tucson grocery effort, note- “Pandemic Groceries” in the 2nd address tagline,
To Donate to Peten COVID Relief, in 2nd address line, note "Peten COVID Relief" Or you can leave it blank and we will use your donation where it is most needed. Thank you and stay safe!
- GUAMAP’s Acupuncture Working Group created a 26-page manual for acupuncturists in Petén Guatemala. It covers the most current COVID related sanitation, clinical, and TCM acupuncture and Mayan plant medicine treatment protocols. Petén acupuncturists contributed plant knowledge for the manual. Mild and severe COVID related symptoms diagnosis, plant medicine prescription, and acupuncture treatments are offered. Each Petén acupuncturist received a free copy of the manual
- A four hour COVID and Acupuncture Workshop via zoom was provided to acupuncturists in Petén, Guatemala in socially distanced training centers, on September 18th at Poptún and on September 30th, 2020 at Dolores and to two acupuncturists in Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The workshop emphasized upper respiratory treatment strategies for mild symptoms, and lower respiratory treatment strategies for severe symptoms; with special focus on the heart and lungs, digestion promotion in all stages, and energy recovery and combating depression in the recovery period
- A one-time $ 120.00 per practitioner economic support stipend
- Complete PPE for all 20 acupuncturists (masks, shields, gloves)
- Funded ASCECSA to purchase and distribute 20 blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes
- A contact phone number for Peten acupuncturists to consult two GUAMAP US- based volunteer practitioners on urgent COVID cases
GUAMAP COVID Response in Tucson, Arizona
In 2021
In 2021, GUAMAP with Paisanos Unidos will provide: food boxes biweekly to 30 families from January through Dec, 2021, structured outdoor activities for youth each quarter, and one time economic aid given directly to families.
In 2020 Since April, 2020 GUAMAP’s Board of Directors have supported a collaboration with a local immigrant self-defense group, Paisanos Unidos. Contributions from faith groups and individual donors have funded provide bi-weekly food boxes to 28 Paisanso Unidos families.
SOLDIARITY & DONATIONS: Dr. Ricardo Reyes (University Medical School, Univ. of Arizona), Jewish History Museum, Jewish Family and Children Services, Community of Christ in the Desert, the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Michael's All Angels Episcopal Church, Community Food Bank of southern Arizona,
- An Acupuncture Trauma clinic was held in August, 2020 at St Mark’s Presbyterian Church for immigrant legal and social aid advocates
- By late November, 2020 some508 food boxes with an approximate retail value of $36 each, now for 30 families based on wholesale buying have been delivered
- Sanitizer, face masks and educational materials about benefits and health updates available during COVID have been included with the food boxes
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News and Announcements Archive
Coordinating Committee
The Coordinating Committee plans and implements acupuncture trainings and supports community based monitoring.To read more,see: Programs Acupuncture Working Group (AWG)
The AWG designs, implements, and revises GUAMAP's acupuncture curriculum subject to board approval. To read more, see: Acupuncture Working Group Partner NGOs
Since 2001: Associon de Servicios Comunitarios de Salud (ASECSA) Peten Office in San Francisco, Peten, and the Programa de Promcion de Salud of Centro Kerigma - Quetzal in Poptun, Peten,Guatemala.To read more: see Partner NGO's
Training Trainings are held twice annually in May and September or October. A training level includes two week long courses with three monitorings between trainings... To read more, see: TrainingMonitoring Monitorings are carried out by trained Guatemalan acupunturists with 7- 12 years experience in practice. Day long exchanges of patient record reviews, with discussions of DX and TX. To read more, see: MonitoringEducation GUAMAP carries our education in the United States about our training model and the results of popular clinics carried out by more than 20 Guatemalan acupuncturists. Formal presentations of our work were presented to APHA ... To read more, see: Education |
GUAMAP © 2025