GUAMAP - Guatemala Acupuncture and Medical Aid Project
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Monitoring consists of small group meetings of GUAMAP trained acupuncturists Each monitoring is a day long review of practitioners' cases with group discussions centered on challenging, successful, and alternative treatments for specific diagnosis.

Monitoring is required by the Peten Acupuncture Committee for GUAMAP trained Level I and Level II acupuncturists while they  in training to obtain needles distributed by GUAMAP.

Level I and level II acupuncturists attend monitoring sessions while in training over two years. Monitoring is held three times yearly, usually in February/March, May, and August/ September; scheduling is done according to planting and harvest schedules which can vary. Two Trained monitors supervise the monitoring.

In 2008, at the Assembly of Peten Acupuncturists, it was decided that current Level II practitioners who graduated in September 2007 would be monitored in 2009 for their last year. Acupuncturists trained as Level II prior who graduated prior to 2007 have completed their monitoring. they are obliged to attend yearly continuing education workshops to remain certified by GUAMAP.

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